excitement, etc.

many things are currently occurring in my life:

  • I just accepted an internship in CIT’s Teaching & Learning team. I’m not really sure exactly what I’ll be doing, but basically I’ll be taking over some of my old boss’ responsibilities (!)
  • I just cleaned my floor. It’s amazingly clean.
  • My wrist hurts sometimes. I think I’m getting “repetitive stress injury” (not carpal tunnel)
  • I finished a very good book last night… La Sombra del Viento. I read it in Spanish but there’s an English translation, too (but I don’t know how good it is)
  • school starts 21 days from today. I’m looking forward to it (friends will be back, I like learning) but also kind of dreading it (I like summer, and this is my last year of college – which means after it’s done, the rest of my life starts)
  • we’re selling our house in Midland and buying one in Houston. but I will never be a Texan, even if I get cowboy boots.
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