I thought senior year was supposed to be all fun and games. I try to make it like that – taking an easy class load, going out with friends on school nights (gasp!), spending Sunday afternoons napping and watching movie(s)…
But lurking in the back of my mind are these really big question marks – what am I going to do when I graduate? What company will hire me? Where will I live? Where will I even look for a job? Who will I live with? What’s going to happen to my friends?
A few days ago, I read this: “We have depended on God’s grace, not on our own human wisdom.” (2 Corinthians 1:12) Paul’s confidence in God’s wisdom reminds me that I need to trust that He knows way better than I do what’s going to happen in the next 12 months. My version of this verse sounds more like this right now: “I’m trying to depend on God’s grace, not on my own severely limited human wisdom, but it’s really hard.” I’m the kind of person who likes to have a plan, not necessarily a detailed hour-by-hour plan, but at least a general kind of plan. And I don’t have one right now, and that kind of freaks me out.