Category Archives: Family
A sculptural tour
While in Grand Rapids for my lovely cousin’s lovely wedding, my family took a trip to Meijer Gardens. It’s a combination botanical garden and sculpture park, and the exhibit while we were there was of Dale Chihuly’s glass sculptures. It’s … Continue reading
Water Rocket
If only I had a video camera to capture this – this rocket launches fast (the 3 pictures above were all taken within one second). Ryder built it out of PVC pipe and a 2 liter bottle for our church’s … Continue reading
Ryder’s cut-out flower clock
Ryder made this wooden clock using our scroll saw, and then wood-burned the detail onto it. The only part I don’t like is that this was a birthday gift for his brother, so we only got to enjoy it for … Continue reading
Atlanta, from Stone Mountain
With some silly people in the foreground. For a sense of scale. more pictures of Dave & Cherith’s visit over in the photos section.