Category Archives: Photos
Christmas Review, part 3
And so it continues, a review of the craftiness that was December: for the Wincks With help from Ryder and the GT machine shop, a slice of an old dead tree turned into a clock. When our collective parents were … Continue reading
Christmas Review, part 2
The second of my crafty Christmas creations is a set of lovely kitchen towels for my Mama. True, they don’t get snow very often in Houston… but they do get a lot of sun! Just making sure they work Did … Continue reading
Christmas Review, part 1
I’m sorry, dear people who read my blog (all two of you). You’ve been sorely neglected. To make up for it, I present a Christmas Review, in parts! First up, a set of (homemade) Christmas ornaments for my Dad: Ingredients: … Continue reading
Happy (almost) Halloween!
A few weeks ago, my mom reminded me that I had some Halloween decorations here with me in Atlanta. So after pulling half the boxes out of the crawlspace in my bedroom, I found the bag containing the Halloween “puppets” … Continue reading
art weekend
A few weekends ago, my parents flew up from Houston to visit (aren’t their arms sore? ha ha ha…) It was my dad’s birthday a few weeks before that, so I made him a shirt (well, not the shirt, but … Continue reading