Category Archives: Photos
Anna’s Surprise Birthday Party
A few weeks ago, Ryder and I threw a surprise birthday party for our friend Anna. She was completely surprised and jumped about a foot in the air when twenty people yelled “surprise” from her loft. see the whole story
Michigan in the summer of ‘08
Unlike every other year of my life, this summer I spent just a few days in the state of Michigan as opposed to just a few days out of the state of Michigan. First was Cheri & Darren’s wedding, where … Continue reading
The Dandy Life of a Dandelion
While in Chattanooga, we studied the life cycle of a dandelion. Here, we present our findings for your review:
Seeing Seattle in the Sunshine
That’s right, the sun actually shone on us while in Seattle. After celebrating Scott and Jen’s wedding, we spent the rest of the weekend eating at Denny’s, walking around downtown, and seeing how many people we could fit into kindly … Continue reading
Los jardines
(the gardens, that is) Even though the temperature reached well into the 90s (it must have, I was certainly sweltering…), Ryder and I ventured outside on a sunny Saturday to explore the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, which currently have a really … Continue reading