Category Archives: Random
something fun
Check out this web site: pretty good, no?
Being creative makes me happy
tree Something I read once, paraphrased from John Berger, art critic and artist: Acquiring things is a poor alternative for fashioning objects. How do I feel after buying something? Momentarily happy, excited about my purchase. But that quickly fades. Creating … Continue reading
So it’s November already and most of the trees in Atlanta still are looking very green. To be honest, I was getting a little concerned that they weren’t going to change colors. Which would be sad, because I love fall … Continue reading
Are you a tree?
This evening, I went to a discussion about the current situation in Venezuela. It was really interesting and informative. But, instead of lecturing you about the really bad political situation there, I will share the most entertaining moment: During the … Continue reading
Being entertained…
Currently being entertained by… Monty Python and the Holy Grail – Killer Bunny and Monty Python and the Holy Grail – Three Questions funny funny. [Sorry Mom. You probably don’t think Monty Python is funny… =) ]