I’m a font elitist. I’m very picky about the fonts that I use. Not too much when I’m typing papers or writing emails, but as soon as I start designing things, like logos or advertisements or posters… watch out, font list. Very few of you are good enough for me.
You see, fonts have personality and character. Maybe you don’t realize this, but it’s true. This study found that people’s perceptions of an email were clearly affected by the font that was used.
So, I’m struggling to find a good font for the word “Ballet” for a new Grand Rapids Ballet Company logo.
That one’s too pointy.
Too casual and sloppy. If I
waswere designing for a painter, though… it might have potential.
I kinda like this one. But it’s too impersonal.
Ugh! Papyrus. Waaay overused in logos and posters. Cool and trendy about 6 years ago. Now… just bad.
Hmm. This one has potential. A little stiff though.
What can you do about being a font elitist? I’m not really sure that there’s a cure. Even the $5000 font package that my prof keeps going on about isn’t helping much, because a lot of those fonts are just really, really bad. (Like this one:
I mean seriously! How could this font possibly be used in good design‽)
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