
so last night, my cable was out. That’s okay, but sometimes I like to watch TV while I eat dinner. So, I thought, I’ll just watch an episode of the Office (which my parents lovingly gave me for Christmas). So I popped in the DVD, and hit play. Nothing happened. The DVD screen said ‘reading’. Tried hitting play again. Still nothing. So then I tried ejecting the DVD so I could clean it off and make sure it was aligned correctly. Nothing happened! And try as I might, turning the DVD player on and off, unplugging it, etc., I could not (and still cannot!) get the DVD player to open! or to play! Sorry, episodes 1-6 of season two… I guess you won’t be getting watched anytime soon.

EDIT: I just searched for how to force open a DVD player, and someone on Yahoo Answers reported fixing the problem with this method: “I got mad pressed open, hit the dvd player on the top and it opened” I figured I might as well try it… and IT WORKED! I hit the DVD player a few times, the motor started whirring (hadn’t been doing that before), and after a few tries… TA-DA!

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