Reading the news online is a very different experience from watching it on TV or reading the paper. Online, you are in control of what you read, how long you spend on each news item, and how in-depth you explore the issue at hand. I like reading the news online, and I do it frequently, usually from the summary at Google News. Google News gathers the headlines from around the web and sorts them all nice and neatly. When you click on an article title, you go to the source of that article – the Washington Post, the NY Times, the Houston Chronicle, Calvin College Chimes (no joke, the other day I clicked on a story and it brought me to the Chimes…)
Now for the cool part: I was reading an article online at the NY Times the other day, and there was a word that I didn’t know. So (hurray for reading the news online), I double-clicked on the word to highlight it. I was about to hit CTRL-C to copy the word and then look it up in an online dictionary, when a new window opened. It was a dictionary. Conveniently provided by… defining the word I was about to look up. Honestly, I was very surprised. The web site was reading my mind… it knew I wanted to look up that word… and it did it for me.
Isn’t technology amazing?
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