So my hard drive is almost full. Well, my documents drive is – 35 GB of old high school papers, Photoshop files, photos, and music. So I was browsing through to see if there was anything I could get rid of, and I came across the folder from my independent study my senior year of high school. My independent study was with my favorite teacher, Mrs. Nelsen, and basically it was an excuse to a) play around with Photoshop and web stuff; and b) work on our BPA web team project. I’m pretty amused by what I did back then. Some of it is actually pretty good. Some of it… bad. And some of it: simply amazing. Like this game that I made for our BPA site: The Streets of Oldsville
Update: Okay, I just can’t resist. You really should just see it all: Second semester Independent Study Portfolio (the first semester one isn’t nearly as entertaining)
Funny how some things don’t change – the title (up in the title bar of the browser) of my old portfolio site was “Emily Brondsema::Independent Study Portfolio” The title of my portfolio now is “Emily J. Brondsema :: Portfolio” All I’ve really done is add my middle initial and some spaces around the double colon…