Some more observations…

– The size of pets (dogs, mostly) roughly corresponds to the size of their homes. Therefore, most dogs here are approximately the size of my foot.
– Window shopping just isn’t as much fun here. As inviting as the clothes in store windows look, tempting you to enter the store, don’t fall for it. The clothes in the window rarely if ever are for sale in the store. And if you want, for examle, the purse that the mannequin is holding in the window, I’m sorry, but there aren’t any like it in the rest of the store. And of course you can’t buy the one from the window display.
– Spanish TV shows don’t have laughtracks or live audiences. So I have to use my mam� as my laughtrack, so I know when to laugh, so I can pretend that I understand what’s going on and why it’s funny.
– All I can see from my window is my underwear hanging from the drying rack outside the kitchen window; however, I can see about 3 inches of the Mediterranean from the roof. Although it smells a little funny, it’s sunny and clean, and I think I’m going to be spending a lot of time up there.

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