Well, I bought it.
And tomorrow I’m going to return it.
At least I found out about a handy reference web site. You see, the guy at the camera store used resellerratings.com to see if the company whose web site I had found a good deal on was any good. It wasn’t. Seems it was mostly a scam. So, after begging and pleading and he refusing to lower the price for me, I bought it. Figured that I had done a fair amount of looking online and this store’s price was pretty good. So I got home, took a few pictures, got pretty excited… then went to the web site that the salesguy had used. And what do you know? I found the same camera on there for about $40 cheaper. I was still debating, but then I discovered this website had free shipping. But I had just paid a ton of money for the tax… so all in all, I’d save about $100. So I just ordered another Canon Digital Rebel XT. Because I’d rather have the $100 than a store have $100.